Midsummer Dream House publishes my poem “Wayfinding: Biking Home from the Metal Show.”

I’m psyched that Midsummer Dream House, a California-based journal, just published my poem “Wayfinding: Biking Home from the Metal Show.” It's about a late night Seattle bike ride.

It’s the first poem I’ve had published that uses a form I think I may have made up. It uses a file path or “wayfinding” formula, as in: X  > Y > Z

My current manuscript-in-progress, City States, sprinkles these wayfinding poems throughout. These poems outline directions in their own right while also working as guides and milestones to the collection itself.

As the collection unfolds, the instructions become less about geography and start to chart other paths: events that lead to other events, ideas that lead to other ideas, thoughts that lead to memories.

I’m encouraged that one of these poems got picked up as a stand-alone piece.

You can read it here.


The wrong artist; the Dylan movie; and Elena Rybakina’s troubling situation.


Trash on Hulu TV; Tennis at Amy Yee; and a veggie pizza, hold the cheese.